25TH MAY 2024
BREAKFAST7.00 am to 9.00 am
(Zaika Restaurant)
Credentials Check
District Council Meeting
7.30 am
(Pearl Ballroom)
LUNCHUpto 2:30
(Oasis Dining Hall)
Diya Dance - Celebrating 100 years of Toastmasters International2.30 pm to 5.300 pm
(Pearl Ballroom)
Melange: Improv Workshop
Neville Bharucha - Founder of Sandbox
Creative Academy
PQD Address - Sunita Vinod
District Evaluation Contest
Contest Chair: Venkateshwaran R
Chief Judge: Raunaq Raje
Book Launch with Past District Directors - Syam S & Manjula Iyer
Tea, Snacks and Networking
5.00 pm
(Pearl Ballroom)
Awards Nite & Fun Night
Awards, recognition, music and recreation Celebratory Dinner
7.30 pm onwards
(Pearl Ballroom)
26TH MAY 2024
BREAKFAST7.00 am to 9.00 am
(Zaika Restaurant)
District International Speech Contest
Contest Chair: Sunita Vinod
Chief Judge: Joydeep Bhowmick
9.00 am to 1.00 pm
(Pearl Ballroom)
Installation Ceremony - Sapna Ohri
District Director Elect's first address
Melange: Look Who's Talking
Ms. Seema Golchha - Ventriloquist, Standup
Comedian, Tedx Speaker and Toastmaster
CGD Address - Joydeep Bhowmick
LUNCH01.10 pm
(Oasis Dining Hall)
Impromptu Premier League Finals
The Marvelous Magicians Vs
The Unstoppable Unicorns
Host: Hardik Shah
Lead Umpire: Sapna Ohri
2.10 pm - 5.00 pm
(Pearl Ballroom)
Closing Ceremony
Recognition of Contest Role Players
Recognition of Organising Committee
Outgoing District Director’s Address - Hardik Shah
Vote of Thanks
Announcement of Results